J u d i t h   A n n e   R i c e

Master of Arts in Human Development, St. Mary's University of Minnesota

B.S. in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood Development, University of Wisconsin at River Falls

Member of Advisory Panel developing content for Sesame Street's 47th season

Early Childhood Teacher, St. Paul Public Schools since 1985, planning and implementing daily curricula for parents and preschool children, conducting community outreach to recruit families into the program, designing and supervising special events
Learning Readiness teacher, preparing four- and five-year-olds for kindergarten

Nanny Instructor, Convergent Systems, Inc., training students to become professional nannies

Lead Instructor, planning, promoting, and supervising the Dayton's Bluff Extended Day program

Organizer, planning and supervising child care for the St. Paul Public Schools Parent Fair

Consultant on hand washing to the Ramsey County Nursing Program

Educational Entertainment, a one-woman summer theater company providing songs, plays, art, and science to daycare centers

Workshops for parents and teachers, presenting creative approaches to early childhood education and personal empowerment


Judith Anne Rice