J u d i t h   A n n e   R i c e

Judith is an Early Childhood Family Education teacher now retired after thirty-four years with the Saint Paul Public School system. She has written six books aimed at young children and their parents, care providers, and teachers. The books have been published by Redleaf Press (of Saint Paul, Minnesota) and have sold over 200,000 copies, mostly to the educational market.

She is a popular keynote speaker at gatherings of teachers around the country, usually presenting her special expertise on building character in young children. She also gives very informative and funny lice education workshops (in case you are itching for help).

Some background information on Judith can be found here.

Judith's alter ego, Professor Prunella Popper, teaches classes for young children. Here is a sample lecture from Prunella's video Why, How & When to Wash Hands.


In 2015, Judith served as a consultant to Sesame Street
in the development of content for its 47th season.


Watch Judith's videos from the second edition of
The Kindness Curriculum: Stop Bullying Before It Starts.


Judith's books may be ordered from the publisher, Redleaf Press,
online at
www.redleafpress.org or toll free at 800-423-8309.

Those Mean Nasty Dirty Downright Disgusting but...INVISIBLE Germs, Redleaf Press, 1989. A children's picture book that teaches handwashing to preschoolers, now in its second (bilingual) edition. Made into an award winning video by the Minnesota State Department of Health.

The Kindness Curriculum, Second Edition: Stop Bullying Before it Starts, Redleaf Press, 2013. An activity book for parents and teachers, aimed at helping children develop their intrinsic abilities to be happy, productive, and caring individuals. The book provides a developmentally appropriate and comprehensive framework for creating a peaceful and supportive learning environment. College education departments use the book in their elementary education courses.

Let's Party! How to Plan Special Events and Raise Money in Early Childhood Programs, Redleaf Press 1997. "This is a delightful and practical resource for early childhood program staff and parents who want to create memorable special events for young children and their families. Not only does Judith Rice share a wealth of ideas based upon her experiences, she also includes wonderful time-saving reproducible materials to implement these appealing ideas."
—Lois Engstrom
Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning


Those Icky Sticky Smelly Cavity-Causing But...INVISIBLE Germs, Redleaf Press,1997. A children's picture book that teaches the importance of tooth brushing to preschoolers.

Those Itsy-Bitsy Teeny-Tiny Not-So-Nice Head Lice, Redleaf Press,1998. "Judith Anne Rice has done it again...Those Itsy-Bitsy Teeny-Tiny Not-So-Nice Head Lice is just like her other books on handwashing and toothbrushing habits—it is another masterpiece. Today in public health, one of the most frequently encountered community problems is the issue of head lice. Information about head lice infestation is important to both parents and children. This book is a creative and effective tool that adults and children alike can use to learn the facts about the prevention and treatment of head lice."
—Michael T. Osterholm,PhD. MPH
State Epidemiologist and Chief,
Acute Disease Epidemiology, State of Minnesota


Those Ooey Gooey Winky Blinky but...Invisible Pinkeye Germs, Redleaf Press, 2000. Ooey Gooey, the latest title in a series of four very popular children's picture books, helps children understand and cope with pinkeye infections.

Judith Anne Rice